Thank you for considering publication in Praise Writers. A special note before reading the guidelines. Please format the email subject line correctly! DO NOT send emails with "Poems" or "No Subject" or something similar in the subject line. PLEASE help me get you published by following this guideline. Email formatting guidelines are at the bottom of the page.
Important: Without advertisers I can't afford to print contributor copies. However, the magazine will be online. Printed copies, ebooks, or subscriptions can be purchased.
Whether you are submitting poems, stories, articles, devotionals or testimonies, all submissions are required to end by mentioning the name of "God," "Jesus," "The Holy Spirit," or "His." No mention of Mary, the saints, Buddha, or other religious identity and phraseology. If that is what you are writing about, please submit elsewhere.
Now for the guidelines:
Poetry - Length: no limit; 1.5 margins.
Instils a sense of well being and inspiration. Light or deep, it should be something that makes the reader want to dwell on the attributes of God. The poem doesn't have to begin with praise--life stings sometimes and it has its share of fear and doubt--but it must end with the mention of "God," "Jesus," or "The Holy Spirit." The last thing the reader should see, or think of, is Him. Think praise, worship, provision, peace.
Short Stories - Length: up to three pages, single spaced, 1.5 margins.
Conveys characters that learn about themselves and others, who see the glass half full. By the end of the story, God has made a difference in the characters life or the lives of others. Please include a 1-3 sentence (or 50 word) teaser for your piece. Place it before the first paragraph (in the document) or in the body of the email.
Non-fiction Articles or Devotionals - Length: two pages maximum, single spaced, include scripture references.
Includes content that leaves the reader with:
- comfort or encouragement
- a revelation of God's love or provision
- faith that all hope is not lost
It must end with the mention of "God," "Jesus," or "The Holy Spirit." The last thing the reader should see, or think of, is Him. Think praise, worship, provision, peace. If you have an idea for an article and want to know if it would be suitable, just email me.
More to come...
Email your submissions to
- In the subject line type "Praise Writer Submission: [poem, story, article, testimony, etc.]"
- In the body include your contact information, where you found the website, and if you know how to use the comments feature in Word. If you are submitting a reprint, please give the particulars.
- If accepted, I'll be asking for a 3-5 sentence bio, an optional photo, and an optional email address or website/blog for reader feedback.
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